Friday, June 15, 2007

My life as working mom


I've been a stay at home mom for the past four years. I decided to stay at home with my daughter, after struggling to fall pregnant for 10 years.

I had thought that I was done with the corporate world of business, but little did I know! As I said four years down the road, after staying at home during my (high risk) pregnancy and the 2 and half years up to now, I subsequently started working again, and to my surprise I LOVE it!!!

The time I spend her now is great and she's loving her play school that she attends, I actually struggle some days to get her to come home with me. I feel more independent, even though my husband is a wonderful provider and i have never wanted for anything, I just feel that I CAN be a mother and provide at the same time.

I must admit before having my daughter I thought you just cant do both, be a mother and work and then still be good at it.

I'm currently only doing contract work, so I'm not as such bound, but I am seriously considering it.

Let's see what the following few weeks deliver!!


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